Quest:Disturbed Forces

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Disturbed Forces
Level 78
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Valley of the Láthbear
Start Region Norcrofts
Quest Chain Faldham
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

The láthbear have become disturbed by your actions in their territory, and have become more active in seeking intruders. The disturbed láthbear must be defeated before they turn their aggressions towards the crofters on the outskirts of Faldham.


The láthbear have become disturbed by your actions in their territory, and have become more active in seeking intruders. The disturbed láthbear must be defeated before they turn their aggressions towards the crofters on the outskirts of Faldham

Objective 1

  • Defeat the disturbed láthbears (0/4)

The disturbed láthbear can be found in the woods east of Faldham.

The disturbed láthbear have grown more aggressive and must be defeated before they can expand towards the village of Faldham.

Objective 2

  • Completed

The disturbed láthbear were unnable to harm the people of Faldham in their aggression, due to your efforts in defeating them.